One-on-One Sessions
A transfer of energy will help to boost your vitality and restore balance.
Sabine supports individual clients with personal healing through her One-on-One sessions which address specific needs, such as mental and emotional wellbeing, physical vitality and the personal power and ability to respond to your own innate healing abilities. A session with Sabine is confidential, specific to your goals and provides you with intensive support and restorative health.

Workshops and Training
Would you like to awaken and share your own healing gifts? Sabine shares her curative knowledge with you and guides you in taking the next step on your empowered healing journey. When joining her regular training workshops, you will discover how powerful the life-energy technique is, and learn valuable practices in using it for your personal transformation

Free Online Energy Sessions
Are you ready to feel good? You can!
By taking just 10 minutes out of your day you can reconnect through my online healing sessions which are 100% FREE! My Free Energy Transfers over Zoom are my personal response to the situation we are collectively experiencing around the globe right now.
It is my gift to the world to share these intense and focused healing sessions for anyone currently needing energy transfer healing.